Kanchan Bhaskar


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The Emotional Healing Process

February 21, 20246 min read

The Emotional Healing Process

Hello, Dear Readers!

Welcome to my third blog post. 

Being entangled in a toxic intimate partner relationship with an abusive narcissist isn't just challenging; it’s like going through a storm, a trial by fire. But here you are, standing on the other side of that inferno. You made it out. That's not just luck; that's strength, my friend. The kind of strength that's forged in the darkest of times and the fiercest of battles. And now, it's time to wield that strength, not in defense or survival, but in healing and rebuilding.

There will be days when the storms come. The waters turn turbulent, the skies darken, and the way forward seems daunting, even frightening. It's in these moments, amidst the tempest of our emotions, that our courage is tested. But it's also where we find our strength.

Remember, every person who has ever embarked on this journey of emotional healing has faced their own storms. You are not alone. Amid the storm, it might seem easier to turn back, to retreat to the safe shores of denial or suppression. But you, brave soul, have chosen to sail forth, to face the winds and the waves head-on. The very act of confronting your emotions, of allowing yourself to feel them fully, is where healing begins. Your true essence, your core, remains untouched by the storm. The tempest rages on the surface, but beneath it, in the depths of your being, there is a profound peace, an unshakable stillness.

This journey of emotional healing you're on, it's about more than just "getting over" past hurts. It's about rediscovering that stillness within you, that boundless strength and peace. It's about coming home to yourself, embracing every part of your journey, and recognizing that every storm, every calm day, has shaped you into the incredible person you are today.

So, to you, embarking on this journey of emotional healing, I say this: Embrace the journey with all its ups and downs. Let the storms come; they will pass. Let the calm days soothe you; they will nurture you. Trust in the vastness of your own inner lake, in its capacity to weather any storm and to reflect the most beautiful dawns.

You are on a path of profound transformation, and every step, every breath, is a testament to your courage, your resilience, and your incredible capacity for growth and renewal.

When the scars and hurt seem to cling to you, refusing to fade away, it can feel like you're carrying the weight of your past with every step. It's heavy, I know, and sometimes it feels like it's just too much. But here's what I want you to remember: those scars, as deep and as painful as they are, don't define you. They are not the sum of who you are or what your future holds.

First, I want you to acknowledge those scars and the hurt they represent. It's okay to say, "Yes, this happened to me. Yes, it hurts." Acknowledgment isn't about giving power to those experiences; it's about giving power back to yourself by owning your story, including the painful parts.

Now, let's talk about those moments when the hurt feels overwhelming. Find a quiet space, somewhere you feel safe and grounded. It could be a favorite room in your home, a spot in a nearby park, or anywhere that brings you peace. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. With each breath, imagine drawing in strength and calm, and with each exhale, envision releasing a little bit of that pain, even if it's just the tiniest bit.

Sometimes, the scars we carry become like old, familiar stories that play over and over in our minds. It's time to write new stories, my friend. This doesn't mean forgetting the past or pretending it didn't happen. It means starting a new chapter. What do you want that chapter to look like? What new experiences, joys, and adventures do you want to fill those pages with? Start small. It could be as simple as picking up a new hobby, reconnecting with an old friend, or setting a small, achievable goal for yourself.

And remember, it's okay to seek help. There's strength in vulnerability, in saying, "I need support." Whether it's a therapist, a trusted mentor, a coach, or a support group, finding someone who can walk alongside you, listen to your story, and offer guidance can be incredibly healing. You don't have to carry this burden alone.

Lastly, practice self-compassion. Be as kind to yourself as you would be to a dear friend going through the same struggles. Speak to yourself with gentleness and understanding. Celebrate your resilience and the steps you're taking toward healing, no matter how small they may seem.

The journey of healing is not a straight path. It's full of twists, turns, hills, and valleys. There will be moments when the scars and hurt seem insurmountable. But with each step forward, with each act of self-compassion, with each new story you write, you're moving closer to a place of peace and acceptance.

Key Takeaways for My Readers:

 Emerging from a storm, especially one that has tested your limits and shaken your foundation, leaves you with invaluable insights and transformations. The takeaway for someone who has navigated through such a challenging period is rich and multifaceted, encompassing personal growth, resilience, and a deeper understanding of life and oneself.

1. Self-Discovery: Through the storm, you discover new facets of your character, uncover hidden strengths, and identify areas for growth. This journey of self-discovery can lead to significant personal development and a more authentic self-expression.

2. Appreciation for the Present:  Surviving a storm can profoundly change your perspective on life, making you more appreciative of the present moment.

3. New Beginnings:  Every storm brings an end, but also a beginning. The aftermath of a storm often presents new opportunities for growth, change, and new directions.

4. Empowerment:  Finally, there's an empowering aspect to having navigated through a storm. It's the realization that while you can't control everything in life, you have the agency to respond, adapt, and grow from whatever comes your way.

Call to Action:

Remember, you are so much more than your scars and your hurt. You are a tapestry of experiences, strength, resilience, and hope. Keep moving forward, keep writing your story, and remember, you are not alone on this journey. You might turn to for support and understanding on your healing journey—be it a therapist, coach, or another trusted individual—who offers a listening ear, compassionate heart, and wise words to help you navigate through challenging times. Please feel free to reach out for support.

Next Blog-4 will be on Self Love!

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